by Richard Morrison
Competitive Enterprise Institute

Yesterday the Competitive Enterprise Institute published Steve Milloy’s new policy brief on the impact of revised federal rules for auto mileage and emissions, “Will the Trump Fuel Economy Reform Proposal Create Deadly Air Pollution?” This reform to the Obama-era policy on corporate average fuel economy standards is one of the current administration’s biggest (de-)regulatory initiatives, so the debate over what effects it’ll have on Americans is particularly important. A general overview of White House regulatory and deregulatory efforts of the past two years is available here from my colleague Wayne Crews, by the way.

In August 2018 the Environmental Protection Agency and National Highway Traffic Safety Administration announced their plan to partially roll back the mileage and emissions standards for new cars issued under President Obama in 2012. This was a huge step forward that will save around 1,000 lives a year on U.S. highways, or about 12,000 in total by model year 2029. The new rules also have the added bonus of making new cars less expensive than they would have been under the 2012 rules.

Read more.