by Katy Grimes, E&E Legal Senior Media Fellow and California Globe Editor
As Appearing in the California Globe

‘Consensus’ on climate change has become a form of bullying, intimidation and censorship

Following my article Monday, “NO Climate Crisis’ Says Coalition Of 1,600 Actual Scientists,” which is a fairly self-explanatory title, I received an email from an unhappy reader with this in the subject line:

“I’m wondering why you decided to amplify dangerous and deadly climate emergency denial.”

The article received a great deal of positive reaction from readers, on social media and in the media. People are very happy, relieved, and hopeful knowing that 1,600 real scientists signed that letter to the California Air Resources Board – a dangerous state agency of unelected Governor appointees who are illegally making laws without the Legislature, enlightening them on California’s actual climate with this: “California is in no danger of unusual drought: The annual precipitation in California has fluctuated greatly over the last 150 years, with only a slight decrease.”

It is especially timely with California Gov. Gavin Newsom jetting to the Vatican where he will be speaking at a Summit of mayors and governors tediously covering “the impact of rising temperatures” in local communities, and “climate resilience,” as if he is a climate scientist or climate expert.

Read more.