Just The News

The president has a lot of leeway to make many unilateral decisions on energy policy with far-reaching impacts on the industry, as Biden has demonstrated, but the flip-flopping between administrations creates regulatory uncertainty for the industry.

Biden campaigned on a promise to “end fossil fuel,” and during his tenure, his administration, with the help of Democrats, have taken at least 200 actions that have made it harder to produce oil and gas, according to the Institute for Energy Research (IER), a free-market energy think tank.

“The sheer volume of regulations that this administration has pushed out to curtail and restrict our ability to produce affordable and reliable energy, by that fact alone, will make President Trump’s reelection consequential in the energy space. Because there’s so much that needs to be undone,” Tom Pyle, president of IER, told Just the News.

Trump leads in many national and state polls, and Biden’s approval rating hit an all-time low this week. Nothing is for certain, but Trump could retake the White House in November…

Steve Milloy, a senior legal fellow with the Energy and Environmental Legal Institute and publisher of JunkScience.com, told Just the Newsthat there could be some limitations to what Trump can do or will be willing to do. A lot of red states have benefited from the incentives for battery manufacturing, as well as tax credits for wind and solar. Trump would get push back from within his own party if he went after those…

While Trump’s options in some cases may be limited, another four years of Biden, by comparison, would mean expanding the climate policies that he put forth in his first four years. Milloy said this won’t be cheap.

”I’d rather have Trump subsidies than Biden subsidies,” he said.

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