by Katy Grimes
As Appearing in the California Globe

I find it fascinating how quiet they are about the amount of money they are raking in’

California has the highest gas taxes in the country, and some of the worst roads and highways.

Californians were promised that if voters refused to repeal Senate Bill 1, the gas tax, as Proposition 6 on the ballot in 2018, roads throughout the state in terrible disrepair would be finally improved and a regular maintenance schedule would once again take place.

Prop. 6 was an 2018 initiative that would have repealed SB 1 – the gas/diesel and vehicle registration tax hikes.

Representatives and elected officials from California’s cities and counties opposed the Prop. 6, SB 1 gas tax repeal, claiming that they would not be able to fund repaving and road maintenance projects without it.

SB 1 imposed a massive tax increase on auto fuel of an additional 12 cents per gallon on gas, an additional 20 cents per gallon on diesel fuel, and a significant increase in vehicle registration costs.

When Proposition 6 was voted down in 2018, voters essentially approved more future gas tax increases. A YES vote would have repealed the gas tax imposed by the California Legislature in 2017. A NO vote approved more gas tax increases.

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