2015 Paris Talks

9 12, 2015

‘Climate Skeptic’ Documentary Premieres in Paris; Film Debunks the Science and Exposes the Absurdity of ‘Climate’ Movement

2016-12-11T17:07:23-05:00December 9th, 2015|"Climate Change", 2015 Paris Talks, Green Groups, Richardson, Scandal|

by Craig Richardson Executive Director The lead stories on television read in a haunting monotone by familiar anchors declare if we don't do something immediately, mankind could cease to exist, and despite the warnings, it may already be too late. Scientists all agree this climate phenomenon is irreversible and the consequences are devastating! And what [...]

8 12, 2015

‘Wanted Posters’ Featuring Chris Horner and Others Welcome ‘Climate Realists’ to Paris

2016-12-11T17:07:23-05:00December 8th, 2015|2015 Paris Talks, Horner, Richardson|

by Craig Richardson Executive Director While world leaders, United Nations officials, green activists, and thousands of friendly media and corporate supporters meet in the suburbs of Paris in an attempt to ink a 'climate change' agreement at COP-21, a small but hearty group of 'climate realists' dared to enter the French capital to provide an [...]

29 11, 2015

Washington Times: The cost of climate change: Cold, hard cash sought for support of Obama’s deal

2015-12-02T17:05:50-05:00November 29th, 2015|"Climate Change", 2015 Paris Talks, Conflict of Interest, Green Climate Fund, Horner, Media Coverage|

by Stephen Dinan Washington Times Ugandan Foreign Minister Sam Kutesa was explicit earlier this year when asked what it would take for developing countries to sign up for the emerging U.S.-led climate deal: “Money." His candor was recounted in an April email between two of the Obama administration’s top global warming officials, who called the [...]

22 06, 2015

Richardson: Pope’s Encyclical Lends “Moral Imprimatur” for the Expansion of Policies That Have Already Taken the Lives of Europe’s Most Vulnerable

2015-08-04T17:32:37-04:00June 22nd, 2015|2015 Paris Talks, Pope Encyclical, Press Releases, Richardson|

by Craig Richardson Executive Director, Energy & Environment Legal Institute (E&E Legal has produced and released a two-minute video that discusses the Pope's encyclical and "Energy Poverty" in Europe) The 1965 Second Vatican Council document, Gaudium et Spes (Joy and Hope) says “the [Catholic] Church…serves as a leaven and as a kind of soul for [...]

18 06, 2015

Horner Meets with Key French Opinion Leaders at the National Assembly Re: Upcoming Paris COP-21

2015-06-18T08:18:06-04:00June 18th, 2015|"Climate Change", 2015 Paris Talks, Conferences & Seminars, Horner|

On Wednesday June 17, E&E Legal Senior Legal Fellow Chris Horner met with approximately two dozen French academics, journalists, Students for Liberty and policy leaders in the National Assembly to discuss the upcoming COP-21 in Paris and areas where climate- and climate-policy realists can cooperate.

17 06, 2015

Horner’s Report from Belgium

2016-12-11T17:07:40-05:00June 17th, 2015|"Climate Change", 2015 Paris Talks, Energy, Environment, Horner, Pope Encyclical|

by Chris Horner E&E Legal Senior Legal Fellow I met with some old friends and colleagues in Brussels in June, discussing the sorry state of “global warming” politics here and at home. “Climate” is an obsession in Europe, a continent whose leaders insist on hobbling the rest of the world with policies they’ve inflicted upon [...]

1 04, 2015

Washington Examiner: Lawsuit to force State Department to hand over climate change texts, emails

2015-04-02T13:17:31-04:00April 1st, 2015|2015 Paris Talks, Media Coverage, State, Suits|

by Ethan Barton Washington Examiner A nonprofit government watchdog is suing the Department of State seeking to force the agency to disclose email and text message records of its communications with environmental activist groups like the Sierra Club, Natural Resources Defense Council and World Wildlife Fund. The suit follows two Freedom of Information Act requests [...]

31 03, 2015

Release: E&E Legal Sues State Department for Emails, Texts with Green Groups re: Climate Treaty

2016-12-11T17:07:41-05:00March 31st, 2015|"Climate Change", 2015 Paris Talks, FME Law, Green Groups, Horner, Press Releases, Scandal, Sierra Club, State, Suits, War on Coal|

For Immediate Release: March 31, 2015 Contact: Craig Richardson [email protected] 202-758-8301 E&E Legal Files Suit to Compel U.S. State Department to Produce Documents Related to its Involvement with Green Activists, Certain Records Concerning "Climate Change" and the Paris, "Kyoto II" Meetings Today, the Energy & Environment Legal Institute (E&E Legal) filed a lawsuit to compel the U.S. [...]

8 03, 2015

Horner Washington Times Op-Ed: The coming climate court: The proposed Paris agreement is another reach for global power

2016-12-11T17:07:41-05:00March 8th, 2015|"Climate Change", 2015 Paris Talks, Climategate, Horner, Media Coverage|

by Chris Horner, E&E Legal Senior Legal Fellow As Appearing in the Washington Times The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) recently circulated an email breathlessly titled, “Governments on Track to Reaching Paris 2015 Universal Climate Agreement — Negotiating Text Officially Published.” The message triumphantly claimed that “Another key step towards a new, universal climate [...]

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