E&E Legal Letters

26 05, 2016

E&E Legal Letters Issue XI: George Mason Stonewalls CEI for Records Re: RICO Efforts

2016-12-11T17:07:20-05:00May 26th, 2016|Conflict of Interest, E&E Legal Letters, FME Law, Hardin, Scandal, Silencing Dissenters, Stonewalling|

by Matthew Hardin, FME Law Counsel E&E Legal isn’t the only organization that faces stonewalling when it files Virginia Freedom of Information Act Requests. Recently, our friends at the Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI) faced the same problems. Back in September 2015, CEI and Chris Horner, senior fellow for both organizations, filed a Virginia Freedom of Information Act [...]

26 05, 2016

E&E Legal Letters Issue XI: Grimes Wins Press Credential Appeal Against CA Capitol Media and Legislature

2016-12-11T17:07:21-05:00May 26th, 2016|Conflict of Interest, E&E Legal Letters, Grimes, Inquisition, Silencing Dissenters|

by Katie Grimes, Senior Media Fellow Freedom of the press protects the right to obtain and publish information or opinions without government censorship or fear of punishment, whether or not government finds the material offensive, or disagrees with it. Free speech enables people to obtain information from a diversity of sources, make decisions, and communicate [...]

2 03, 2016

E&E Legal Letters Issue X: Winter 2016

2016-12-11T17:07:22-05:00March 2nd, 2016|E&E Legal Letters, Hardin, Mandelbaum, Schnare|

Click here to download a complete pdf version of E&E Legal Letters Issue X: Winter 2016. Click on headlines for the full article. Supreme Court Halts Obama ‘Clean Power Plan’ by Chaim Mandelbaum, Litigation Manager On February 9th, 2016 the Supreme Court of the United States issued a stay halting implementation of the Environmental Protection Agency [...]

2 03, 2016

E&E Legal Letters Issue X: Supreme Court Halts Obama ‘Clean Power Plan’

2016-12-11T17:07:22-05:00March 2nd, 2016|Clean Power Plan, E&E Legal Letters, Mandelbaum, Suits|

by Chaim Mandelbaum Litigation Manager On February 9th, 2016 the Supreme Court of the United States issued a stay halting implementation of the Environmental Protection Agency regulations that would lead to the end of coal plants in the United States. The Court in, a 5-4 decision, ordered the EPA rule “Carbon Pollution Emission Guidelines for [...]

2 03, 2016

E&E Legal Letters Issue X: Justice Delayed Is Justice Denied

2016-12-11T17:07:22-05:00March 2nd, 2016|E&E Legal Letters, FME Law, Hardin, Transparency|

by Matthew Hardin FME Law Counsel There’s an old legal maxim that justice delayed is justice denied. In E&E Legal’s recent efforts to promote transparency and accountability, we have found that maxim rings true in the context of the Freedom of Information Act, as politicians and bureaucrats delay releasing records to which the public is entitled. [...]

2 03, 2016

E&E Legal Letters Issue X: Kelly Mader Joins the Board

2016-03-02T14:54:20-05:00March 2nd, 2016|Announcement, E&E Legal Letters, Mader|

At its Annual meeting in late January, the E&E Legal Board of Directors voted Kelly F. Mader to the Board. Mader has a long and distinguished energy and environment policy career, including serving as a Wyoming state senator from 1984-1991, and in the Wyoming State Legislature from 1982-1984. As a State Senator, Mader chaired the Senate [...]

24 11, 2015

E&E Legal Letters Issue IX: Fall 2015

2016-12-11T17:07:36-05:00November 24th, 2015|E&E Legal Letters, Hardin, Horner, Mandelbaum, Richardson, Schnare|

Click here to download a complete pdf version of E&E Legal Letters Issue IX: Fall 2015. Click on headlines for the full article. E&E Legal Releases ‘Energy Poverty’ Video for Papal Visit E&E Legal firmly believes that humanity has a moral obligation to protect and preserve the environment. However, the Pope’s strategy to address ‘climate change’ – [...]

23 11, 2015

E&E Legal Letters Issue IX: E&E Legal Releases ‘Energy Poverty’ Video for Papal Visit

2016-12-11T17:07:36-05:00November 23rd, 2015|"Climate Change", E&E Legal Letters, Energy Poverty, Horner, Richardson|

Pope Francis and other faith leaders have made addressing ‘climate change’ one of most important ‘moral’ issues of our time. During his historic visit to the United States in September, the Pope in an address to a joint session of Congress said, “I call for a courageous and responsible effort to 'redirect our steps' and [...]

23 11, 2015

E&E Legal Letters Issue IX: E&E Legal Petitions Supreme Court Re: CO RES Case

2016-12-11T17:07:36-05:00November 23rd, 2015|E&E Legal Letters, E&E Legal v. CO, Renewable Energy, Schnare|

On October 9th, The Energy & Environment Legal Institute (E&E Legal) filed a Petition for Certiorari with the United States Supreme Court regarding the suit E&E Legal brought against the State of Colorado concerning the constitutionality of its Renewable Energy Standards (RES). E&E Legal has now asked the U.S. Supreme Court to review this case [...]

23 11, 2015

E&E Legal Letters Issue IX: Reforming Virginia’s Freedom of Information Act

2016-12-11T17:07:36-05:00November 23rd, 2015|E&E Legal Letters, Hardin, Transparency|

by Matthew Hardin FME Law Counsel In 2014, the United States Supreme Court held that Virginia’s Freedom of Information Act - which applies to all state and local government agencies in the Commonwealth of Virginia - could exclude non-citizens of Virginia without violating the federal Constitution. Thus, Americans who do not reside in Virginia have [...]

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