War on Coal

26 09, 2016

Grimes: Hypocrisy, Thy Name is Jerry Brown

2016-10-19T14:26:19-04:00September 26th, 2016|Conflict of Interest, Grimes, Media Coverage, Scandal, War on Coal|

by Katy Grimes, E&E Legal Senior Media Fellow As Appearing in Canada Free Press The inconsistencies of California Gov. Jerry Brown’s climate change policies, together with his immigration policies, are formidable and deliberately deceptive — one policy is driving taxpayers and businesses out of the state, and the other is driving droves of unskilled, unemployed aliens [...]

26 09, 2016

Grimes: Hypocrisy, Thy Name is Jerry Brown

2016-09-26T09:01:53-04:00September 26th, 2016|Conflict of Interest, Grimes, Media Coverage, Scandal, War on Coal|

by Katy Grimes, E&E Legal Senior Media Fellow As Appearing in Canada Free Press The inconsistencies of California Gov. Jerry Brown’s climate change policies, together with his immigration policies, are formidable and deliberately deceptive — one policy is driving taxpayers and businesses out of the state, and the other is driving droves of unskilled, unemployed aliens [...]

26 09, 2016

The Blaze: What Clinton will not tell you in the debate

2016-12-11T17:06:58-05:00September 26th, 2016|Conflict of Interest, EPA Collusion, Green Groups, Media Coverage, Scandal, War on Coal|

by PierreGuy Veer The Blaze his is it: After 18 months of a very intense race to secure the nomination, the Democrats and the Republicans will finally face off in the presidential debate. As can be expected, Hillary Clinton will want to hammer her socialist agenda, especially if the moderator gets on board. But unfortunately [...]

23 09, 2016

Washington Examiner: Dems’ climate pact ‘doomed from the start,’ group says

2016-10-19T14:35:20-04:00September 23rd, 2016|AG Collusion, Common Interest Agreement, Conflict of Interest, Media Coverage, RICO, Silencing Dissenters, War on Coal|

by John Siciliano Washington Examiner A pact among Democratic state attorneys general investigating Exxon Mobil's climate change strategy may have been crumbling from its start, the free-market group Energy & Environment Legal Institute said Friday, disclosing new emails showing evidence that the coalition is weakening. The E&E Legal Institute said it obtained new emails that [...]

21 09, 2016

Press Release: Vermont Superior Court Denies Attorney General’s Motion to Dismiss E&E Legal Open Records Suit, Orders Release; AG Produces Some Records, Withholds Most 

2016-12-11T17:06:59-05:00September 21st, 2016|AG Collusion, Conflict of Interest, FME Law, Inquisition, Press Releases, Richardson, War on Coal|

For Immediate Release: September 21, 2016 Contact: Craig Richardson [email protected] 703-981-5553 Washington, D.C - This week, the Superior Court of Washington County, Vermont denied an effort by the state's Attorney General to dismiss an open records lawsuit filed by the Energy & Environment Legal Institute. E&E Legal was compelled to file this suit when it received no cooperation [...]

16 09, 2016

Horner’s Appearance on Audrey Russo’s REELTalk Radio Program

2016-09-16T16:38:35-04:00September 16th, 2016|AG Collusion, Billionaire Scammers, Conflict of Interest, Horner, Media Coverage, RICO, Silencing Dissenters, War on Coal|

On September 16, E&E Legal's Senior Legal Fellow Chris Horner discussed the ongoing scandal involving several Attorneys General and their attempt to shut down climate change dissent on Audrey Russo's REELTalk radio program.

12 09, 2016

Newsmax: EPA Official Blasted White House Over Fracking Regulations

2016-12-11T17:07:00-05:00September 12th, 2016|EPA Collusion, Green Groups, Media Coverage, Scandal, War on Coal|

by Brian Freeman Newsmax.com A senior Environmental Protection Agency official used an expletive — a term for male genitalia used to describe a foolish or contemptible person — when he called those in the White House who resist efforts to regulate fracking "********," according to a report in The Washington Free Beacon. In a text [...]

12 09, 2016

Washington Free Beacon: Top EPA Official: ‘Dickheads’ in White House Resisted Regulating Fracking

2016-09-12T14:34:54-04:00September 12th, 2016|EPA Collusion, Green Groups, Media Coverage, Scandal, War on Coal|

by Lachlan Markay Washington Free Beacon A senior Environmental Protection Agency official privately complained about “dickheads” in the White House who resisted efforts to regulate an innovative oil and gas extraction technique, newly released documents show. Michael Goo, then the EPA’s policy chief, complained to a Sierra Club lobbyist that the White House Office of [...]

30 08, 2016

Horner: The Speech Sen. McConnell Should Give about Supreme Court Vacancies

2016-12-11T17:07:00-05:00August 30th, 2016|2015 Paris Talks, Conflict of Interest, Horner, Paris Climate Treaty, U.S. Congress, War on Coal|

by Chris Horner, E&E Legal Senior Legal Fellow This week, reports suggest that President Obama will purport to join the other nations, from North Korea to Norway with others in between that have already ratified the Paris Climate Treaty — as required by their respective systems for treaty commitments — and claim to unilaterally “Accept” [...]

25 08, 2016

Horner: New York AG’s War Against ‘Climate’ Opponents Is Running Out Of Gas

2016-12-11T17:07:01-05:00August 25th, 2016|AG Collusion, Climategate, Common Interest Agreement, Horner, Media Coverage, Silencing Dissenters, War on Coal|

by Chris Horner E&E Legal Senior Legal Fellow as Appearing in Investor's Business Daily When New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman announced his plan to investigate "the fossil fuel industry and their allies" for, among other things, "misleading" investors on climate change, he called it "an unprecedented coalition of top law enforcement officials committed to [...]

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