E&E Legal, the Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI), the Heartland Institute, Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow (CFACT), the International Climate Science Coalition (ICSC), and Truth in Energy and Climate released another version of “Climate Fact Check,” this time for May 2024.   The edition highlights sensationalized stories about the climate, which is typical for the corporate media propaganda machine, and is not rooted in reality. The groups released similar reports for February 2024 , March 2024, and April 2024.

In January, the groups released a similar report, “Climate Fact Check: January 2024.  They also completed their Annual Report for 2023, titled, Wrong Again: 2023 Edition – Hottest Lying Ever.  As the report introduction notes:

Was 2023 the “hottest year ever”? Did the Earth boil? If you had to choose between which is worse, slight global warming or nuclear war, would you pick nuclear war?

2023’s apocalyptic climate claims hit heights of nonsense not seen since 1969 when Stanford
biologist and National Academy of Sciences member Paul Ehrlich predicted to the New York Times that we would all go up in a “cloud of blue steam” by 1989 or since 2009 when then-Prince Charles
said we only had eight years to save the world.

Wrong Again: 2023 ‘Hottest Lying Ever’ Edition is the latest installment in the Wrong Again series. It spotlights an unlucky 13 climate claims from 2023 and before, that didn’t survive the year.

Each month in 2023, the same groups released, Climate Change Fact Check: December 2023,  Climate Change Fact Check: November 2023Climate Change Fact Check: October 2023Climate Change Fact Check: September 2023Climate Change Fact Check: August 2023The Climate Fact Check: July 2023The Climate Fact Check: June 2023The Climate Fact Check: May 2023, “Climate Fact Check: April 2023 Edition,”  “Climate Fact Check: March 2023 Edition”, “Climate Fact Check: February 2023 Edition” and for January 2023, Climate Fact Check: January 2023 Edition, all highlighting absurd and fact-challenged hyperboles by the Climate Left and their benefactors in the media and government. The coalition began the effort at the end of December 2022, with their release of a devastating report highlighting the major Climate doozies of 2022, titled Climate Fact Check 2022.