by Katy Grimes, E&E Legal Senior Media Fellow and California Globe Editor
As Appearing in the California Globe
Buyer beware: The real goal is one energy source controlled by government
The Sacramento Bee has its knickers in a twist because the California Restaurant Association allegedly has attempted “to water down the city of Sacramento’s climate change proposal to require new buildings be powered by electricity.”
Stop the presses!
The restaurant industry isn’t buying the climate BS Sacramento Mayor Darrell Steinberg and the City Council is dishing out. The Bee even did an “investigation” on this egregious violation of climate ideology:
“Those efforts, detailed in a recent Sacramento Bee investigation, are also now drawing scrutiny from Sacramento Mayor Darrell Steinberg and Councilwoman Katie Valenzuela.”
Steinberg, a professional politician since 1992 and labor union lawyer, and Valenzuela, a 30-something Marxist and community organizer, are not scientists or meteorologists. But they love the implied control “climate change” affords them over businesses, industries, even if it means destroying them.
The Bee affirmatively claims:
“Pollution from heating, cooling, refrigerating and cooking in buildings make up California’s third-largest source of carbon emissions behind transportation and industry.”