by Sam Dorman
Fox News

The conservative Heartland Institute released a report on Tuesday in which it criticized leading politicians, activists, and media outlets for using the coronavirus to push their environmental agenda.

“Not surprisingly coronavirus alarm has pushed most other issues and concerns out of the news ⎯ much to the dismay of climate alarmists,” said Steve Milloy… “But the alarmists aren’t taking displacement by coronavirus lying down. In fact, many climate alarmists are trying to use coronavirus as a means of advancing their agenda. They are trying to surf it.”

The report, published on and, comes amid complaints that Democrats have been trying to shoehorn some of their agenda, like emissions reductions, into legislation designed to relieve the virus’ economic burden. Titled “Never Waste a Crisis,” it focuses on tweets, which range from asserting the coronavirus had a “silver lining” to others in which people attribute clearing skies or water to the lack of economic activity resulting from the virus’ spread.

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