
23 04, 2015

Daily Mail: Our climate models are WRONG: Global warming has slowed and recent changes are down to ‘natural variability’, says study

2015-04-27T11:06:05-04:00April 23rd, 2015|"Climate Change", Report, Temperature Pause|

by Ellie Zolfagharifard Daily Mail Global warming hasn't happened as fast as expected, according to a new study based on 1,000 years of temperature records. The research claims that natural variability in surface temperatures over the course of a decade can account for increases and dips in warming rates. But it adds that these so-called [...]

2 02, 2015

Press Release: E&E Legal Releases Report that Reveals EPA’s Clean Power Plan Rule Just a “Paper Tiger”

2016-12-11T17:07:42-05:00February 2nd, 2015|GHG Rule, Press Releases, Report, Schnare, War on Coal|

For Immediate Release: February 2, 2015 Contact: Craig Richardson [email protected] E&E Legal Releases Special Report: EPA’s Clean Power Plan Is a Paper Tiger and Uses a Strategy Relying on Empty Threats Against Utilities, Governors and State Legislators Washington, DC (Feb. 2) — Today, the Energy & Environment Legal Institute (E&E Legal) released another special report, EPA’s [...]

16 09, 2014

Human Events: The EPA: An Agency of Lobbyists

2016-12-11T17:07:57-05:00September 16th, 2014|EPA, EPA Collusion, Green Groups, Media Coverage, Report, Transparency|

by John Hayward Human Events I don’t wish to downplay the hard work of the Energy & Environmental Legal Institute, but learning that the Environmental Protection Agency is essentially staffed and run by its own lobbyists is not surprising. It’s good to have it all documented in a concise report, entitled “Improper Collusion Between Environmental [...]

18 07, 2014

Daily Caller: Watchdog: EPA IG Report Provides Cover For ‘Transparency Abuses’

2014-07-21T16:35:52-04:00July 18th, 2014|EPA, Media Coverage, Report, Transparency|

by Michael Bastasch The Daily Caller The Environmental Protection Agency inspector general has been accused of covering up Obama administration “transparency abuses violating several federal laws” by conservatives in the wake of a report ostensibly absolving the agency any wrongdoing in handling government records requests. A recent EPA IG report claimed there was “no indications of [...]

16 07, 2014

Washington Times: EPA showed no bias in records-request decisions: IG

2014-07-16T15:15:46-04:00July 16th, 2014|EPA, Media Coverage, Report, Transparency|

by Stephan Dinan Washington Times The EPA’s inspector general concluded that the agency did not show bias in denying fee waivers on open-records requests from conservative-leaning groups while approving those from liberal-leaning groups, according to an audit released Wednesday... The Energy & Environment Legal Institute, a conservative-leaning group that has regularly battled the EPA over [...]

16 07, 2014

Greenwire: IG clears agency of bias on FOIA fees; critic disagrees

2014-07-16T15:01:16-04:00July 16th, 2014|EPA, Horner, Media Coverage, Report, Transparency|

Kevin Bogardus E&E reporter The Environment & Energy Legal Institute, a conservative-leaning group, blasted U.S. EPA in a new report over allegations of bias against agency critics' public records fee waiver requests. But EPA's inspector general office released its own report today that it found no evidence of favoring certain groups over others while processing Freedom of [...]

16 07, 2014

Press Release: New Report Shows EPA Improperly Denies FOIA Fee Waivers for Disfavored Groups, Inspector General Again Improperly Limits Inquiry into Abuses

2016-12-11T17:07:58-05:00July 16th, 2014|EPA, Horner, Press Releases, Report, Richardson, Transparency|

For Immediate Release: July 16, 2014 Contact: Craig Richardson [email protected] EPA Bias on FOIA Fee Waivers – A Report on Abuses and Imminent Office of the Inspector General Whitewash The Energy & Environment Legal Institute (E&E Legal) and the Free Market Environmental Law Clinic (FME Law) released a report today illuminating how, for the second time in [...]

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